Today's prompt: Draw a pony reaching for the stars / Draw a pony willing to stop at nothing.
This one may only be tentatively connected to the prompt, but it's what my mind settled on, and honestly, a pony trying to earn their cutie mark does feel like reaching for the stars to them: a goal that may seem unlikely or impossible to some, but encourages them to never give up until it finally happens, and when it does, it'll be glorious.
This was also a chance to expand on Cookie's backstory a bit. All of her family is involved with cooking or working with food in some way, and even her brother Biscotti runs a coffee shop. She doesn't elaborate on it before Pastel's innocent ears, but her parents consider her a bit of a disappointment for not following their family legacy, and only Biscotti truly supports her enterprise, which is why she's been out of contact with the rest of her family. It's also why she cherishes the bond she has with her niece, and no matter what Pastel eventually gets her cutie mark in, her Auntie Cookie will support her no matter what. =)