Intrusion Alert
“WOAH!... Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”
Yup. Felt like drawing the invisible woman again. ^
Weirdly enough, Wallflower is slowly becoming like a comfort character to draw, which is bizarre considering I didn’t really care for her portrayal in ‘Forgotten Friendship’ all that much (her character is more compelling to me conceptually than anything). When I do draw her, she's usually my outlet for more dramatic pieces, which means I don't get to do much fluffy stuff with her.
This time around, I just kinda wanted to do some fluff... so I did!
It appears that somebody hasn't gotten fully dressed yet 😳. Saved again by stretchy sweater censorship!👍
Are off-shoulder sweaters even a thing? I have no clue... But Blushie sure looks hecka cute in one, especially considering she's got some lovely freckles to show off~ (which I admittedly went especially hammy with here X3).
Knock next time, dammit!