Today's prompt: Draw a pony shrouded in mystery / Draw a pony with friends in high places.
Perhaps this is more benign than the prompt would describe at face value, but I couldn't help thinking about the kinds of things Twilight and her friends would be able to take part in, learn about, and enjoy after making friends with other creatures. Of course, Pinkie's friendship with the yaks would allow ponies to experience more of their culture, as we saw with the yovidaphone, and I'm sure Prince Rutherford, who takes pride in everything in his country being the best (as he and all yaks say it is), would want ponies to know it's the best by sharing it. Hence how Pecan Sandy, who specializes in baking, is able to acquire Yakyakistanian vanilla to use in a special order for her best out-of-town customer, thanks to being on good terms with our favorite pudgy pink party pony. =)