Hello everyone, Frazzle here!
This one really caught us off guard, but you wonderful people have done it yet again, and Arthur is now over 900 Watchers! Unusually though, he is not as emotional as normally happens wheneverhe hits a milestone- he is just plain old stunned, and lost for words.
Hence why I'm here covering for him- that last part however, isn't unusual, as you know.
So while he recovers from his moment that he's having, I wanted to thank you all on his behalf. Every last one of you, from the Old Guard who have been with him since the beginning, to the newest of you who started watching today- from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so very much.
It's you who give Arthur the will and determination to work as hard as he does on his "janky little base edits" - his words, not mine. It's you who brighten his day by commenting and asking questions about his characters. And it is you that help keep his mind focused. As much as he is primarily driven to take care of his children, he also doesn't want to let you down either.
And recently, it has been some of you who have been inspiring him to create ever more complex pieces.
For all of these things, he'll thank you in his own way when he is able to, but for right now, I'm going to leave you to it, and go sit with him.