Here we find Integrand in quite a little pickle, hooves tied to the back of a chair and seven sticks of P-235-based dynamite sat in her lap with a classic alarm clock trigger on 'em, and a whole smorgasbord of other ordnance of the enroundening variety all around her! Recoilless rifle warheads, 9.2-inch artillery shells, the nose off a buzz bomb, inflatable tanks chock full of that fwhoompy gas, a mini catapult warhead, a box of questionably useful detonators (hence the cobwebs), and a Mark 6 inflatable bouncy bomb in the foreground - and, last but not least, a particularly powerful projectile in its own crate, packing a portable and ballistically-sound 15-kilofwhoomp punch in a 28cm physics bundle!
I do wonder how she'll possibly get herself outta this one, that shed's positively packed to the gills with things that even individually could leave her quite huge! Let's hope that timer's plenty generous... or not~
Part 1 of 2 of a sequence commission for EbaandIna~