Puzzle was just minding her own business by watching Mario Playing Baldi on her computer... until...
"Hiya, Puzzle." N said.
Puzzle screamed and flewed to the ceiling in fright before saying, "A-are you here to steal what's left of me?"
"Eew, no!" N answered in disgust, then realized, "Well, actually yes."
N uses his right hand to change it into a gun, in a murderish grin.
"Nope, I'm outta hear." Puzzle said, feeling bored as she teleported outta here before she got hit.
N's robotic hands changed into his claws and his wings appeared before saying in a murdering spree, "Ooh... this is gonna be sweet."
And the chase began.
At the first floor
"And that's how Puzzle Shield and I met." Kori said to Mr. Puzzles, finishing his story.
"Interesting... inter-"
"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Puzzle yelled as she flewed between the two, almost bumping into them... N however, flewed between them and knocked them over, chasing the Autistic Alicorn.
Puzzle dodged every bullet, rockets, and his tail as she tried her best to fly away from him as fast as possible.
"KORI, DO SOMETHING!" Puzzle yelled in panic, calling to Kori's attention.
The two were watching them.
"Wanna watch 'Mario the Exploro'?" Mr. Puzzles asked.
"Sure." Kori answered.
Then, Mr. Puzzles brought up his own Puzzlevision TV, set it on the floor, turned it on and enjoyed the show.
At the Second Floor
Puzzle flewed upstairs to the Third Floor, still getting away from N. Then, she arrived at the entrance to the Endless Stairs.
As she looked back, she sees N coming at her.
"Ah! Come on, comeon, comeon, comeon, COMEON!" Puzzle said to herself, pressing the button multiple times... then it opened and Puzzle quickly went inside, and the door closed right behind her, leaving N crashing to the door.
Meanwhile inside the Endless Stairs, Puzzle tries to catch her breath.
"Phew! That was close." Puzzle sighed in relieve, "I think I should wait til he's gone. Yeah! I could wait."
A few hours later...
The entrance to the Endless Stairs opened and Puzzle peaked her head, trying to see if N left or not... but he left.
Puzzle sighed in relieve... that's what she naturally thought... somehow, N was hanging on a ceiling, waiting for the Alicorn to come out of her hiding spot.
Puzzle then hears N's gun loading, her calmness turns back to panic... then, she flewed away, dodging another bullet.
"GET BACK HERE, YOU FIREY PARASITE!!!" N yelled, flying after her.
Then Puzzle sees Toad and decided to use her Magic to lift up Toad and says as she throws Toad, "THE POWER OF DAYBREAKER COMPELS YOU!"
Then, N chops off Toad's head.
"What the, WHY AM I STILL ALIVE!?" Toad screamed.
Puzzle then teleported to the basement, the only hideout Puzzle has left to get away from that Murder Drone.
At the basement
Puzzle finally got away.
"Huff Huff Phew! Haah... he's gone." Puzzle huffs, trying to catch her breath yet again... seems like she's having a panic attack. "I need to sit down." and she did.
That is, until N appeared to knock her to the ground.
"THERE YOU ARE! I'm not done with you yet." N said, about ready to finish her off.
Puzzle has no choice but to scream, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLP!!!"
Back at the first floor
Kori and Mr.Puzzles heard a scream that sounded like Puzzle's.
"That must be Puzzle Shield." Kori said, getting up to his hoof, "She needs our help"
"MAMA MIA!" Mr. Puzzles said as he followed Kori to find Puzzle.
Back at the Basement
Puzzle cried in horror as N got her cornered... but N's was wacked in the head with a bat by Mr. Puzzles with Kori... saving Puzzle's life, too.
"Serves you right." Mr. Puzzles said to N, and giving Kori a high five.
Then, Kori walks to Puzzle who was crying.
"You alright, Puzzle Shield?" Kori asked.
"sniffs Mhm." Puzzle said.
"Did that mean Murder Drone scared you?"
"sniff Mhm." Puzzle sniffed, but she's starting to tear up a bit.
"You need a hug?" Kori asked, with a warm smile.
"Sure, buddy." Puzzle answered, giving Kori a hug as she cried.
At last, Puzzle was safe once again thanks to Kori.