Wanted to do this for Golden Week even if it is days late at this point. More Zebras and storied stuff is coming so I hope people enjoy this in the meantime.
Scootaloo and Dash are just gonna hang and play some Top Gun style Topless Volleyball or at least Scootaloo hopes it'll be topless. Pinkie'll join in when she's finished another Ice Cream. Fluttershy and Twilight are just gonna relax and try not to think about how many people can see their bare bodies and indeed what they might be thinking about. Meanwhile Applejack tries to shield Apple Bloom's virtue from onlookers while Sweetie and Rarity take a sisterly selfie that Sweetie will post to the social media sites she uses to promote her onlyfans to get her followers pumped for Rarity's upcoming guest appearance, though she still has yet to tell Rarity about it.
Any ponies you'd like to see in future, let me know.