Big Bikini Bust
Eve and her friend Gwynn enjoying their time on the beach. Or at least they were trying to. In a bit of a critical failure, Eve grabs Gwynn's bikini when she lost her balance, revealing the griffon's breasts to all of the beachgoers nearby and making her drop her ice cream. What a mess!
Art © Makku on Twitter
Gwynn © AxquirixCharacter Directory:
Evening RiseClick here to return to the directory
I hope you enjoy the art posted on my page! I am not an artist, so every piece of art that I post on my page is not made by me. Please visit the original artists' pages and favorite the original submission, links to which are included in nearly every post of mine, assuming that there is a public post somewhere I can link to.
All characters featured in my posts © SmashUniverse64 & Gyro-Furry, unless otherwise noted in the description