Original Creation Date: Aug 25th 2020
some old drawings i made of my redesigns of celestia and luna
i think this is just a me thing but i HATE how og celestia has green in her hair, like to me it makes her look more like princess of the earth or something, cause like i always imagined her hair was supposed to look like the daylit sky like how lunas looks like the night sky, but whatever, i still like it but for my redesign i made celestias hair look more accurate to her power. i was having a hard time with her cutie mark though lol, honestly i would keep it exactly the same to her og design but i suck at drawing it lol
as for luna, i really like her normal design so i kinda just tried to remake it the way i would if i was designing her. the only thing i dont like about her og design is her cutie mark. like i feel like it looks so plain compared to celestias. and the funny thing is that in a lot toys luna has like these 3 stars surrounding her crescent and i really like that, at least it adds some detail to her plain old crescent and im surprised that isnt in the show for some reason. so i gave her stars in her cutie mark, as well as little white freckles that look like stars cause i thought it was cute. also fun fact for anyone that noticed or cares, when i draw og luna i always make sure to add the 3 star thing whenever i can because i love it. i dont count the black blotches as part of her cutie mark, at least not for her original cutie mark. i think she got her moon and stars cutie mark as a filly and the black blotches came when the whole nightmare moon thing happened i made them purple here cause honestly i dont know, i should have kept it black ngl.
i also decided to make her a general to the equestrian army as well as a queen cause idk, i feel like she would find comfort in physically protecting her subjects for the most part while celestia mostly handles all the legal work of being queen. thats why she has the armor. i hate making her look so evil because i know she isnt, but i like to think of it more as a dont judge people (or ponies) by how they look. but i also hate how they dont even look like sisters in the end lol, unless its like they look like their parents sort of thing, but we never see them so i guess we'll never know. im thinking at least in their young/powerless forms they look more related before their separate magic specialties caused them to change so dramatically. but yeah