June 2, 2016 at 10:05:48 PM UTC
Yippie - I - Oh - NCMares
I don't draw backgrounds a lot. They're hard. :c Also, fire-boots 'cuz it's hot out there.
Here’s a link to *Applejack *alone.#mlp #fim #applejack #canyone running #gallop #boots #ncmares
Yippie - I - Oh
Yippie - I - Yay
*Ghostriders in the sky
--I don't draw backgrounds a lot. They're hard. Also, fire-boots 'cuz it's hot out there.
Here's a link to Applejack alone.
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#applejack #canyon #fim #mlp #backgrounds #boots #ncmares
Applejack gallops across the desert with fire-boots cuz it's hot outside, yo.