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"A Little Date Won't Hurt"
Ms. Harshwhinny accepted an offer to go out with a rather handsome looking stallion. He was funny and seemed nice enough, but you could never tell with these online dating services... The real intrigue started with the location of the date: Microverse 7G. Carefully avoiding causing more of a scene than necessary, Ms. Harshwhinny looked around the skyline for her date. "Humph, he better not stand me up... it's a lot of trouble walking through without killing anyone", She mumbled to herself. A ping from her phone revealed a message, "You look great! Look down!". Mrs. Harshwhinny looked down and saw her date: a lego-sized stallion dressed well. She looked at her tiny date and said, "Well, what's the harm in having a little fun? What did you have planned, big guy?"