Misty has defeated General Shao and inherited his battle axe, Opaline tasks Sssniperwolf with abducting her the same way she did Allura but without butchering her until Shao gets his axe back from Misty. After dinner with Sindel, Misty is kidnapped by Sssniperwolf and brought back with a cloth gag and her hands tied behind her back. Opaline throws her into a dungeon overnight to see what she can do about the axe. Misty thought of shifting, but realized her pony form would be in the same predicament, Animality was out of the question til she can free her hands. She books it after kicking the hollow wall down but keeps the gag on so no one knows she escaped. Sssniperwolf goes to check on her out Opaline's suspicion about Misty being too quiet which was proven true; Sssniperwolf pursues Misty in wolf form to subdue her.