big bad and the assassination team! (2/3)
- Risotto is based off the gift givers in the Best Gift Ever special
- Devil Darner does not have time powers, he’s just really really good at sneak attacks and throwing opponents off
- Devil communicates and gives orders to his underlings via magic scrolls (a la Celestia)
- i was gonna make a joke about how phones haven’t been invented yet so Dialtone is literally just making weird noises and talking to objects, but then i looked it up and turns out there ARE phones in equestria so. that’s out the window
- anyways some more bad italy puns: Shiredinia, Reinezia (or Reinice), Coatpri, Foalrence, Maneila, Marelan
Phantom Blood / Battle Tendency / Stardust Crusaders / Diamond is Unbreakable / Golden Wind / Stone Ocean