Welp, it's this time of the year. ||(well, a slight day late)||
Honestly I really wanted to try out this dragon group art thing that I saw on DA almost years ago but I'm happy with the result. Although I did started working on this on the 8th of Feb due to other school and new years stuff but in the end, I might be able to finish this under about 3 days. Though it's a shame that I didn't get a chance to share this at the exact day but it's better than late than never they say.
I've thought of giving a guessing game of the characters were in this drawing but I'm pretty sure that might not be the case considering that, almost mostly everyone knows who is who is from.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this art I've created, I would be sharing this into other sites but I've thought of sharing this into Derpi first too.
Anyways, I'm might be entering the 2nd term and I might be a lot busier than 1st term, but aside from that have a Happy lunar new year! and the Year of the Dragon!
See ya again, until next time!