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First it had started with the rains. After all, didn't every dour story?
But this was no normal precipitation, like the pegasi normally brought. This time, it was black and goopy, thick enough to be called tarlike yet not heavy enough to be injurious. Wherever it hit, the ground or buildings became slick and shiny. Sure, some might have liked that part, but it was the changes wrought when it made contact with the living. The way it twisted their identities into nothing, the changes of demeanor from organic to robotic, and the sudden shifting of loyalties towards this mysterious T-001. Something about a prime drone, but those left had no idea what was going on.
Still, being upset wasn't going to help anyone.
This led to Rarity, several hours into the rain, making the effort to venture into the world again. Her umbrella was enchanted with all of the protection spells she knew, limited as those may be, so she could avoid the worst affects of this enchanted liquid. This tempered her with caution as she slipped through the alleyways, trying to avoid anyone she could encounter. Rainbow Dash, or what masqueraded as her, slipped down a road so she ducked right. Spitfire, one of the many pegasi causing this increasing devastation, was capturing their local mail pony into yet another of their mindless servants.
Rarity reached for her umbrella again. Staying still was bad. Her shop was definitely taken, so were many of the other buildings. If she was grabbed now, she wouldn't have any chance to-
The drone version of Sweetie Belle, her own younger sister, suddenly grabbed her under the arms. Fear and panic ran through her as the full nelson suddenly had the rain splatter across her face, drooling down her snowy white fur and her outfit. It was as quick as all of the others, already eating away at her uniform and mind. Even a few seconds passing meant she couldn't think more than a slow trickle of identity, swiftly becoming slower and... emptier. Dimmer. Nothing much until.
White. Drone. Obey. She would follow Sister-drone.
Drawn by Syberfab on FA
Story by :iconzylogaroh: