I've been learning to animate puppets in flash after taking a 3 day crash course full of youtube videos and whatnot to prepare myself. I am starting to pick up on symbols and all, but I've got a loooong way to go yet!
And I figured, "Why not start by making favorite alicorn oc?" So I grabbed a previously created (and VERY well done) Filly Luna/Woona puppet from 's gallery and started tweaking it until I got this final product~ I'm very excited for the possibilities of the future. Hopefully this will prepare me for the upcoming "Way of the Hoof" animation competition I'm hoping to enter!
Any suggestions on puppeteering are highly encourage! I know NOTHING. Let me repeat: NOOOOOTHING !:iconmsbittersplz: about this stuff!
I'm considering redoing the colors later on so that we can actually SEE Nyx's eyelashes, but that's a project for a later time. I've got a fanfic cover to work on before that.
Had to do some editing with the eyes, took out the back part of the head's mane to accomodate Nyx's hair style better. The next step is to CHANGE the shape of the mane and tail to match up with her design better (and so I stop feeling like I ripped 's stuff off, and then give the model a Cutie Mark :D
Good gracious puppet modelling must take FOREVER ._. I only redid the colors on everything and that alone took 2 or so hours. Props to you, Jordo.
This is a recolored Filly Luna Alicorn Model from
Nyx & Past Sins (c)
Original Flash puppet of Filly Luna based off of Double Rainboom Puppets