Many months after Phoenix returned and getting to know her new friends-
*In Sugarcube Corner, mid afternoon*
Peachy: *rolling out some dough for a pie* Hey Sparkler, can you grab the blueberries? *holds out a hoof*
Peachy: ...? *looks over*
Flare: *staring out the window, her hoof aimlessly brushing in the nearby flour, deep in thought*
Peachy: ! *lightly taps the table in front of Flare* Peachy to Sparkler! Do you read me, over~!
Flare: *snapped out of it* Hu-Wha? looks O-Oh, boysenberries right! reaches
Peachy: *giggles* BLUEberries, sweetie!
Flare: *blushes a bit in embarrassment, sliding the blueberries over to her* S-Sorry ;
Peachy: Your head really seems to be in the clouds, Sparkler! More than normal, at least. *grins nicely* Something on your mind?
Flare: Mmm no not really. Life is fine. *blush deepens slightly*
Peachy: *raises an eyebrow, slowly setting the ingredients down and stretching her neck closer* Let me correct myself. Is somePONY on your mind~? *eyebrow waggle*
Flare: Peachy! *pushes her face away, giggling a bit*
Peachy: *chuckles in return, leaning on the counter* Well c'mon, spill! Give me the details!
Flare: I've never even said I liked anypony!
Peachy: I never asked if you liked somepony..I asked if somepony was on your mind~ *grins in victory*
Flare: Uh-I- *puts hoof over her mouth* Sh-Shush! Same difference!
Peachy: C'moooooooooon I won't tell! And I won't judge at all!
Flare: Mmmmm...well....
Peachy: Oooh wait wait! Lemme guess! Hmmmm..... *rubs her chin with a hoof, eyes narrowing* Is it somepony I know?
Flare: ....Yes.
Peachy: YES! Alright this got easier. Hmmmm......Eclipse?
Flare: No.
Peachy: Lightning?
Flare: No.
Peachy: I swear to Faust if you're makin' eyes at my big brother...
Flare: *giggles* No no no~
Peachy: Good, cause he belongs to Stella. Hmmmm.......Topaz?
Flare: No.
Peachy: Well darn! Who then?
Flare: ...... *looks around, her blush deepening as she motioned for Peachy to come closer*
Peachy: *obeys, offering an ear*
Flare: *giggles uncontrollably as she blushed harder, trying to stifle her giggles with a hoof*
Peachy: Ohhh how sweet!! Have you said anything yet?
Flare: No...I'm...honestly scared to.. *frowns, looking down*
Peachy: *smiles honestly, resting a hoof on the pegasus' shoulder* Honesty is always the best policy. Auntie AJ taught me that.
Flare: ...... *small nods, lifting her head confidently* Y-You're right! I'm gonna go now! I'm gonna go be honest!
Peachy: *smiles wide* Good! I'll have a BIIIG pie waiting for you when you come back! Good luck Sparkler, I gotta go add this to my shipping wall! *speeds out of the room*
Flare: *waves* B-Bye! ...... *breathes in, slowly exhaling* Alright.....let's do this! *stands and hurries out the door, smiling*