Thanks to PHANTOM on Discord for commissioning me!
Yeah, yeah, I know, I lied again! Whoop-de-doo! I said I was gonna post drawings of new OCs but i got commissioned again,by two people actually! Technically three, but still. Firstly, there's this one, and spoiler alert, I'm commissioned to draw 18 OCs in one art! That's crazy! So far, the biggest art I've ever done so far. So yeah, my OCs will have to wait again.
It's been... how long since I last posted again? I'd check right now but I'm currently typing out this description. And I'm on mobile so I can't just risk leaving another tab open and potentially have the tab I'm in the middle of typing stuff refresh for no reason. And believe me, there's been times I've typed out these descriptions and lost progress. Anyway, sorry for the slow posting lately. School has taken alot of my time, but a few more months and I'll be done with it for good! None of the collage bs too because who has time for that, amarite? But seriously, I wish I'm more dedicated to drawing since I've been lacking alot of art. I kinda wish I was a robot so I can just draw without thinking of anything else, but then I remembered that AI art is usually frowned upon sooo...
Hopefully things go back to normal for me and I start drawing alot. If not, then idk what to do. Might just start panicking since drawing, and hopefully animating is what I wanna do for my life. Not being able to draw, and I'm sure alot of you artists can relate, scares me alot. But anyway, I'll dissappear for a while to focus on that big, 18 OC commission. It'll be a lot slower since I'm not drawing 24/7 unfortunately so the wait will be even longer than usual. Which I don't really know what "the usual" is for my standards anymore. Cya in a bit^