"I apologize if this was a bit late. Was not expecting to take that long on it.
With the holidays coming up real soon, Santa Novo has a lot on her talons. Thankfully she's got plenty of help from her fellow holiday hippogriffs! Skystar brings her all the letters from fledgelings and gentlegriffs, Sea Lilly helps wrap up all the presents and decorate, and IceBeak makes some tasty hot cocoa and cookies for her friends!
And with that, we have another Novoember in the books. 30 drawings in 30 days. While this wasn't as grand as last year with others joining in, this was still a fun time. Had to adjust to doing some of these later than when I usually do, but still. Had a blast regardless. I'll still be drawing my favorite Queen, though it won't be as frequent as it was this month. A break sounds nice.
Can't wait to do Novoember again next year!"