Forest Pine: Ow! Hot!
Dusk Shine: Hot-hot-hot-hot-hot! Ow! Ohhh... I'm tho thorry, Pine. Nothing's gone ath planned. We got lotht, the show wath canthelled, we burned our tongueth, and now the thky's too overcatht to thpot a thingle thtar! [sighs] And I wath really hoping to impreth you.
Forest Pine: [nervous chuckle] Tell me about it. Now how am I supposed to impress you by pointing out the constellations of Equuleus, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia?
Dusk Shine: You know where those are?
Forest Pine: I... did a little, to a lot of, astronomy studying in preparation for tonight. (notices the jar) Hey, what are these?
Dusk Shine: Oh, those are just fireflies that Butterscotch gave me.
(Forest Pine opens the jar and fireflies come out, forming consultations)
Dusk Shine: Consider me...
Both: ...Star struck.
TriviaI didn't realize it, but the way I drew Forest Pine's hair, it makes her look like Princess Sofia.