Commission - In Suits
✨Look at these pretty paintheart and sabriskleros ( 〃▽〃)
Thank you! <3✨Check my Patreon to be first to see my updates, all my art in a high resolution and exclusive content - patreon.com/chaosangeldesu
Don't forget to check my Twitter - twitter.com/ChaosAngelDesu _^Commissions open!
From Sabri_Skleros's furaffinity post:
Nightmare Night, What a Delight
It's nearly Nightmare Night (Well, Halloween) for this newly-made bat pony so what better idea than to celebrate with a very good friend in themed costumes?
I've always liked the wonderbolt and shadowbolt suits so this was the perfect chance to get my character dressed up in one, I hope you like the idea too!
Frost Eventide/Frosty belongs to me.
Paintheart belongs to PaintHeartMLP over on Twitter
Art is by Chaosangeldesu over on Twitter