Puzzle: (Sighs sadly)
Pooh: (Gets closer to her as he climbs on top of the bridge's handles) What's the matter?
Puzzle: Oh, nothing... except SMG4 and SMG3 are having a Mission Prep for the Casino Heist to get his private notebook back from the hands of Mario and Marty.
Pooh: (chuckles) Come on, It can't be that bad... (starts to get worried)... right?
Puzzle: Pooh? All i'm saying is, Daybreaker and Doof put me in charge while they're away... and, I'm making preparations to take down Mario with a new team I called.
Pooh: But what about the other one?
Puzzle: Oh, the other one? It's a decoy... The Duo told me that my team and I have to do this.
Pooh: You mean alone? Just you?
Puzzle: Oh, silly old bear... I'm not alone on this one, like I said, I have a new team now.
(Pooh and Puzzle laughed as they hugged it out)
Christopher Robin: (from o.s.) Pooh! We're gonna be late for the Disney100 Party!
Pooh: That's Christopher Robin, I gotta go.
Puzzle: (watching him leave; with a smile) Good luck!
(Puzzle felt more calm as she teleports back to base)