(That's right, I bring another drawing of a Pony Oc, but this time it is not a tracing of a drawing of Caroos, but of a drawing of PaladinGalahad.)
Among the Realms Beyond the Shadows and Normal Dimensions of Find A Reality where some Supernatural Creatures in the Shape of Pony but with a Power beyond imagination Dwell, The Gods of Death (Shinigamis) depending on the type of culture, always with different names, In that Kingdom of Death and Darkness Rules the Queen of the Gods of Death, The True Grim Reaper, Mother of Darkness and Non-Life, The Alicorn called Laia
In this Halloween Month 🎃 as He Who Is Near, The barriers between dimensions are weakened and some Creatures From beyond our Dimension cross into our world, That was the Case, The Queen of Death Laia was summoned by One of the so many pagan cults in the Everfree Forest, Unfortunately she could not bring her entire army with her and unfortunately her magic power was quite weakened, however she was still too powerful, The PIB Organization, (Pony Investigation Bureau) had been searching for this cult to stop their Plan....when they arrived at the summoning site an Evil Aura permeated the Air
The Goddess of Death Laia had descended to this Plane. Luckily she was quite weakened and somewhat confused, so without hesitation the Organization set to work and with several powerful magical seals and restrictions they managed to subdue her after a short battle. , inside the castle in ruins where she was summoned, They took her in captivity beyond any city 🏙️ Known under thousands of tons of concrete far below the ground, They immobilized her with a tight straitjacket Full of Magic seals on each strap , She was Placed inside a dark Cell with a special guarded Chamber, her horn also sealed and Her Feet placed inside a Wooden Stock with relics of previous magicians impregnating her essence.
To the bad luck of the organization, his Magic Continues to Increase, so they had to devise a contingency plan to prevent him from breaking the seals little by little by corroding them, a Method that went back to ancient times of him Great Starwiltz, Something infallible, (TORTURE OF TICKLING) every once in a while, like this, leaving her exhausted after each session would prevent her from breaking even one of the Seals, best of all, the Alicorn's 👣 dark gray feet were for some curious reason Strangely Sensitive and Soft, Now They had a Tickly and Sensitive Goddess from another dimension laughing like crazy around their Facilities day and night~.....