This is just one of the many things I'm planning to overhaul in my fimfic series that was introduced in FIM but was never properly utilized. The harmony forms were used in 2 episodes "as far as I'm aware" throughout the series, one being its debut in season 4, the other being a simple dream sequence in the episode "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?". It was a shame really, and it could've seen far more uses but like a lot of things in MLP it was never explained nor elaborated on, it was only really there to sell toys.
I plan to reintroduce the concept in the fan series however and give it a proper explanation, alongside more uses and giving it a purpose. This is just one of the concept images, since I have a lot of characters to make new designs for, and a lot of new characters it may be a bit before I'm able to finally start posting the animatic episodes, especially considering I still dont know where to put upload them to.