But as you can see before you, ehre you see Twilight in anthro form at the gala, enjoy her time there. But soon after words she needed some air to relax abit. But not knowing her an inturder came along and has put a spell on poor Twilight. But at least the dress is ruined thank god for that U. Anyways, Kaa has her under his power, and commands her to bring more of her friends out..for a late night dining. Who will stop this evil serpent before its too late?
Pinkie: OH OH OH OH OH!, I know I know i know- * get her mouth ducttaped* ?!!
Phew..that was close U
So please enjoy folks ^
The drawing done by me of course
Credit to thepainter and fixing on the eyes, and adding a few things on the dress by A-New-Recipeh