Wheter it was Harley Quinn from Batman TAS, Lola Bunny from Space Jam, or it was one of the babes from Sonic, or even the Pelekai sisters from Lilo and Stitch, we all had one crush over at least one Bombshell, Fantasy, Comic or even Cartoon Characters. We all ended up discovering the internet for a reason: to search porn of that one character that made us feel all weird and fuzzy.
Over the years, as i said before, I started mostly as a MLP-fanart creator, drawing Safe, NSFW and kinky content. But it was around 2019 when i started to offer more than just drawings of Ponies taking a shit. In this compilation you'll find some of those works i did around that time, and some that come from recent time. Commissions from Clients, requests from Fans, Original creations i made in a weekend, Rewards asked by long-gone and still-pledging Patrons, all are here in this pack. There's a good amount of characters scattered in this compilation. Almost 1G of content, if I couldn't add more is because the size was the limit.
This is a Volume that features No Ponies, but that doesnt mean it does not have something you may find enticing, so give it a try please :3
I hope that you can find enjoyment inside this pack, and if you help the cause while donation after downloading, you'll have my everlasting gratitud, and the promise that I'll continue developing packs and contents like this, for my fans, the public and my Patrons as well.
Download, Donate if you wish, and please, enjoy :3
(LINK HERE!!!!!)