In the most recent chapter of "My Big Fat Pink Wedding" we see 10 changelings come together to form one of these. I also revealed some recent changeling types which I made for the purpose of illustrating how this works.
Changeling Types by AleximusPrime
Changeling Types - Drones by AleximusPrime
Changeling Types - Spies by AleximusPrime
Changeling Types - Brutes by AleximusPrime
Changeling Types - Elites by AleximusPrime
Six drone changelings (the ones we see in the show) become the legs, two spy changelings become the wings and elytron, one brute changeling becomes the thorax and abdomen, and one elite changeling becomes the head and mandibles if necessary.
They can transform into different parts to become a different insect as well like a praying mantis, hornet, etc. Elite changelings are the most capable and are vital for this transformation, otherwise it is impossible. The only other changeling that could replace an elite would be Queen Chrysalis herself. It may not appear that big, but it is actually huge and towers over ponies. I will have a scale chart someday.
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MLPFIM © Hasbro
Changeling spy, elite, brute and combiner forms created by me