The massive alicorn princess blushed deeply as she looked down at the tiny humans beneath her, standing a small knee-high 'pool'. Twilight couldn't help but smile, as she basked in the afterglow of her immense impromptu orgasm.
"Eh heh... heh... I am SO SORRY." squeaked the giantess, embarrassed by what had transpired. "Ple-Please forgive me... and... don't tell the other princesses?"
She made a mental note to let other Equestrian visitors know about the strange properties of this reality... and the effects they had on individuals like her. Though she didn't like to admit it, but part of Twilight really enjoyed being big. The alicorn hoped this was just another 'side effect' of whatever was effecting her body.
Decided to make/generate a 'follow-up piece' to the original entry of this semi-series of macro smut. Dealing with the aftermath of Twilight Sparkle's own misadventures in the 'Earth Realm'.
Hope it looks good.