Birthday present for essarr commissioned by theferbguyWith cameos in suit form by Frost starvagrant, Front Page Helen Pedantia and yours truly. I think the rest are from the show and maybe you can spot who.
I'll try to be back to posting things regularly after Christmas again, I'm a little bit stuck in that Christmas rush right now. But I promised I'd get this one up to coincide with a birthday. ^
SR Foxley takes a visit to zipper zests own shop, and gets to try out a very special costume courtesy of the very practiced suit maker. It never hurts to have a few more alicorn princesses roaming the lands. With that voice changer, he might even be able to sneak his way into a few royal processions! :P
- Yep, I've kinda gone back to the shows style a bit concerning ponies, and I'll get into more detail about that another time with another character. This was a very fun one to do, trying out vector style backgrounds and ponies again. ^