Shin Megami Pony IV. Google Translate Japanese edition. If necessary, help editing text is appreciated. No troll translation please, thanks in advance. Colored and expanded version coming eventually. Starting on it once I manage to beat that dirtbag Masakado, or in a week, whichever comes first.
Current roster:
Applejack as Player Character
Twilight as Isabeau
Fluttershy as Jonathan
Rainbow as Walter
Rarity as Navarre
Pinkie as Burroughs
Tentative planned roster:
Luna as Hikaru (ha ha, she’s Luna-cifer, geddit?)
Celestia as the Ancient of Days
Discord as Sanat Kumara
Chrysalis as Yuriko
Sombra as Asmodeus
Time Turner as Fujiwara?
I should probably have at least one of the archangels, dunno who yet. Maybe Shining Armor as Michael.
Dunno, maybe Snowflake/Roid Rage as Skins or something?