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Rally de Europe cars of Equestria Girls
---Class K---
Pinkie Pie: Rossini SC660
Fluttershy: Tylor VV660
Sweetie Belle: Verlaine AW-66
Apple Bloom: Arts HB660
Scootaloo: Degger MZ1-S
---Class F2---
Adagio Dazzle: Rossini FP-07
Sonata Dusk: Tylor CX-10
Aria Blaze: Verlaine MM280
Starlight Glimmer: Arts NA20D
Trixie Lulamoon: Degger HC-EV
---Class A---
Twilight Sparkle/Sci-Twi: Tylor IP-F4
Rainbow Dash: Arts LE98
Rarity: Degger TC-GT
Applejack: Verlaine FO-ZE
Sunset Shimmer: Rossini FP-W8
---Class S---
Derpy Hooves: Arts L16-G
Octavia Melody: Degger CE-16
Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3: Tylor NB-51
Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops: Rossini TL-27
Lyra Heartstrings: Verlaine SZ240
EGQ Characters belongs to negasun, invisibleinkdoodles, kimberlythehedgie and sketchmcreations.
Rally de Europe belongs Prism Arts.
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