in honor of my graduation from college this may, I present a college au illustration. Probs not gonna make any other art of this au but it was fun to think of and design for. this is less of a 'turn the ponies human' like EQG but more of an au where the characters and their personalities are better suited for the human world and a human story. no magical destinies or villains just some young adults who are best friends.
Twilight Sparkle --> Aurora Flores, latina, high school valedictorian, polisci and social work double major, history minor.
Rarity --> Rochelle Levesque, black, arts scholarship, marketing major, studio art minor
Pinkie Pie--> Penelope 'Penny' Miller, Afrolatina, first gen college student, cullinary arts major, part time student full time school bakery employee
Rainbow Dash --> Riley Sano, Japanese, track scholarship, former sports medicine major, current liturature major
Applejack --> Amelia-Jane 'AJ' Stuart, Mixed, first gen college student, Agriculture management and finance double major
Fluttershy --> Victoria Albert, White, disabled, former vet-med major, current ceramics major, lit minorThe general premise is that Aurora's high school advisor made her apply to Ponyville University despite Aurora's excellent grades (she could have easily applied to an ivy league) and through some cruel trick of fate PVU was the only school she was actually accepted into and able to attend, so she packed up her life and moved to PVU. PVU is a pretty good school but its no yale or brown. Here she meets the rest of the gang, and they become lifelong friends.
Some notes about our new cast
-Victoria was in vet med, but the required animal dissections were very upsetting to her and she realized she didnt want to be responsible for anything that would bring an animal pain, even if she knew the animal needed it. she switched majors and works at an animal sanctuary with her friend Ivy (treehugger).
-Riley was a sports med major for all of her freshman year, but lost her passion for the subject and switched to Lit in secret, and pretended to still be a sports med major for almost an entire year until Victoria and her ended up in a class together, and was found out. they laugh about it a lot now
-AJ and Rochelle were rivals/frenemies freshman year since they were in a lot of the same classes for their respective majors, and constantly battled for the highest marks. Their actual rivalry is over, but friendly competition is a key part of their friendship now.
-Penny and Rochelle run a small business together on Etsy, selling sweets themed bathbombs and lipglosses.
-Aurora and AJ work together a lot for community outreach projects, and are both notable members of the school's student government.
-AJ and Penny are not related by blood, but their families have done business together for generations, so they were raised as family.
-Riley and Penny are still prank masters, and have pulled off some pretty spectacular pranks on all their friends and their professors sometimes.
-Victoria is Rochelle's muse for a lot of her art, and they spend a lot of time doing fancy picnics at botanical gardens.