another one. i wanted to do a silly little side ng that is super low stakes and chill lol. in this universe the children of the mane six (and starlight) each inherit an element of harmony to represent, but the element does not match the parent. i picked some ships i like but never talk about or make art about so thats fun for me : 3
Princess Dream Eclipse
(She/her, cis lesbian)
-daughter of Princess Luna and Starlight, eldest of two
-Special talent is dream interpretation, shes a real psychologist about it
-represents the element of magic
-smart, mysterious, unfamiliar with friendship, kinda aloofPrincess Dazzleflash
(she/her cishet)
-daughter of Princess Celestia and Rarity, only child
-special talent is athletics, specifically rhythmic gymnastics
-represents the element of honesty
-genuine, cheerful, people person, shallowMarzipan
(she/he, nonbinary bisexual)
-daughter of Pinkie Pie and Tempest Shadow, middle child of three
-special talent is cooking, she uses food to comfort others when theyre having a hard time
-represents the element of generosity
-compassionate, personable, inclusive, weak-willedPigeon Song
(she/her, agender, pansexual)
-daughter of Fluttershy, Tree Hugger, and Zecora, eldest of two
-special talent is pigeon fancying, taking care of them and training them for special jobs
-represents the element of loyalty
-patient, empathetic, persistent, a bit of an airheadAutumn Leaf
(she/her, trans girl, unlabeled)
-daughter of Rainbow Dash and Applejack, a quadruplet (yeesh)
-special talent is changing the seasons, especially bringing down fall leaves
-represents the element of kindness
-open-book, friendly, witty, clumsy beyond beliefCandle Wish
(she/her, cis asexual lesbian)
-daughter of Twilight and Sunburst, youngest of two
-special talent is throwing birthday parties
-represents the element of laughter
-clever, thoughtful, optimist, bit of an inferiority complex