"Still don't rightly know how you managed ta convince me to go through with an actual date, mister, but you managed it. Well then, now that I dragged my tired ol' patootie here, how do I look?"
Hey everyone,
Just a short one today as I'm going to spend the afternoon at the beach with my kids- should be fun for them, and no doubt a nerve-wracking chore for me XD
But for those that don't know this character, this is Center Punch, a rather old-fashioned pegasus mechanic, who lives in Sire’s Hollow, like many of my other characters.
She is an inveterate workaholic, and normally wears overalls and has her mane tied back into a large ponytail, and wouldn't usually wear a flower in her mane, but date night is special, and with Ms. Punch, this is about as fancy as she gets.
For those who are wondering, she is using a slightly modified version of Maud Pie's EQG hairstyle.
And yes, I will be revisiting this character again very soon, as she is easy to write for, and fun to draw, as it were.