I'm fixing to show a little more of the testing ground I call "PrincessRescue." I'm glad I had the idea to test on another rpgmaker instead of implementing everything as is in Sala's Escape. Because the plugins in Princess Rescue were fighting me tooth and nail today. I was being bitchslapped with error messages, but thanks to markovnikov we managed to somehow fix it. Everything seems fine at the present time. But imagine if I wrecked a five year long project!
So from left to right: the pegasus one ties up your characters, the baton one is a standard attack pony, the unicorn tears your clothes, and the male one there hypnotizes/drones/fucks your character.
The final boss of the Drone Wing, like the other drones, is another canon pony. I won't give anything away right now.
I have no ETA on when I can throw a public build out, but when I do don't expect anything spectacular: all my energy's going to Sala's Escape, commissions, and YCHs.