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The Cutie Re-Mark: Part 2 aired on... Nickelodeon (Swedish?)???
Here's the logic, when Discovery Family aired Season 8 Episodes 21-26, you may notice there is Gak commercial showed up on one of the episodes as commercial breaks that causes people thinking it's 2012 again. The commercial thing-y causes Nickelodeon to air My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic like this. But since the Original Gak Commercial curses appear back in 2012 during Season 3 Premiere of MLP in The Hub Channel, Nickelodeon can also air My Little Pony Season 5 Episode 21-26 like what originally Season 8 Episode 21-26 has.
This is a fun fact that Gak Commercial not only takes more screen time than King Sombra, Gak Commercials can also takes causes Nickelodeon to aired My Little Pony.
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