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[YCH OPEN] I'm sane
"You'll go insane"
Auction here:
SB: $40
MI: $5
AB: $100
40-60$ - sketch art without shaded and with some light
61-80$ - sketch art with shaded
81-100$ - full art with shaded
Only female
Any race (mlp, i.e. changelings, hippogriffs, kirins, etc.)
Any species
Everything is being redone for your character!
♡Payment on Boosty via Paypal:
!I do not make refunds!
Payment must be made in 48 hours after the auction ending
I start working only after payment
Deadline within three months
With a bid of 50$ I can change the position of the wings within the pose
With a bid of 70$ I can change the position of the ears and emotion
With a bid of 100$ you will get pony chibi styled art with knife
Bonuses add up!
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