so this took me about 7 hours, hoped it be done sooner but with the curent hand ingery (not my drawing hand) every thing is just slower. I tried some new shading style and I am really happy with it.
the refrence screenshot is form an eqg ep called pet project.
where spoilers to the ep ||sun set shimmer gets a pet as she doesnt have one and at the end they all take a picture at the end they all take a picture and the picture gets a little messed up||
(I know I dont have to spoiler it as the ep has been out for a long time but I realized that a lot of people actually havent watched all the shorts )
the screen cap I took is in minute 3:16 of the ep but could not find it on derpibooru
I wanted to draw every thing in my own style and change some of the poses to make the image imo more intrested. and gave gummy a knife because why not