“What T.I.T.A.N. did to Baphomet and Scylla…” Fluttershy whispered. Lyra and Bon Bon were silent, neither of their stares breaking from her. “Without even asking for my input… for my thoughts… they went ahead and killed two animals… for nothing.”
When she opened her eyes, she stared at Kong running and leaping from mountain to mountain. Untamed and unchained. All the horror stories she had heard of him, the damage he had caused, the lives he had taken, all over a misunderstanding. All because he felt threatened when invaders attacked his home. Now, here he was as his true self, in his true element. Living. Free. At peace.
At home.
She gasped out a smile, and one that did not and could not last. Fluttershy shut her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek as her whimpers turned into soft cries. Lyra was the first to console her, followed secondly but quickly by Bon Bon. Not a word was spoken between them. Not a word more was spoken that they already understood.