Although last year I shipped Applejack with Rainbow Dash, my opinion has changed since then. Although Appledash is an okay ship in my opinion, I'm much more drawn to Applejack and Autumn Blaze as a couple. These two where so cute in the episode Sounds of Silence, as they where immediately understand of each other's views and opinions, encouraging Applejack to try and find a solution to their problem and restore the Kirin village to it's formal glory. Not to mention Autumn returned the favor by standing up for Applejack and Fluttershy when the rest of the Kirin threatened to throw them in the river of silence.
I personally that Applejack and Autumn Blaze would be a great compliment to each other as a romantic couple. Applejack is the hard worker who believes in getting things done, as well as not afraid to speak her mind when something needs to be said. While Autumn Blaze is more upbeat and fun-loving, while being far from oblivious to issues that need to be fixed, and her talkative personality can allow her to form strong bonds with other, even earning Applejack's trust pretty quickly. And much like Applejack, Autumn isn't afraid to speak her mind, especially since she's the kind of gal who has a lot to say most of the time, even if it's just having a bit of fun small-talk. They compliment each other and build on top of each other naturally rather than compete and get in each other's way like Appledash would.
To me, if anyone would make a good partner (no pun intended) for Applejack, it would definitely be Autumn Blaze. As to how their relationship would affect their living conditions and Applejack's job on the apple farm, maybe that's stuff we can explore another day.