Thanks to :iconbloodblade66: for the title.
:iconfluttershyisshyplz: Do you need something, Pinkie?
:iconnervouspinkieplz: Um? :iconpinkienervousgrinplz: Oh no no, I'm fine! 100%! Just keep reading your... thing. Keep eye contact Keep eye contact ..
Kinda'of a shading test. I tried to make proper wrinkles and "3D" like toenails.
I screwed up the pedi on purpose. If you look at pictures of real pedi, you'll see that the girl never is able to paint her nails PERFECTLY.This. Now you probably already got weirded out, by this silly idea I had.
If you couldn't tell, in this hypothetical scenario, Pinkie has a foot fetish. I based this on RPs I had on the past.
Cause, well why not? Foot fetish is the most common of all fetishes. I mean, Tarantino, Andy Warhol, Elvis, Jack Black, just to name a few have.
However, Pinkie here is not supposed to be lesbian. You can like feet from both genders and still be straight. It can happen.[Base]
[Fluttershy's cottage rear wall]
[Fluttershy's living room]Time taken to make the foot: 3 - 4 hours. Fluttershy and Pinkie: around 45 min.