image from https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/19KXoF4o8BU9JZHKxNqyc7_xiGMeWRV6H
Game https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/g4hmzzzbbku4zls4xkhxoa/reign-equestria
Your already reduced guard force is cut even further by this rigorous investigation. Less and
less ponies occupy the hallways, and the number of blind spots grows rapidly. You try to
move quickly through such areas, but sadly that isn't quite enough. You're hurrying back to
the throne room from the barracks when you pass an open doorway and FWUMP. A pair of
Dig black bug buns suddenly comes flying right for your face! You try to scream for the guard
but your vision fills with hefty Changeling ass and with a CLAP it strikes around you. You're
knocked to the ground, left pushing and shoving at the Changeling who chuckles, grinding its
Dig black butt over your face.
‘You squirm, slapping against the sweaty cheeks and choking on the musky stench. Your horn
glows as you attempt a spell when PPPRRBEBBRROORRBBRRRTTTT A long rank fart
erupts from the offending bug butt and slams you in the face. You choke on the rotten stench
of decay, gasping and gagging for air but it's too much. As the butt grinds on your face you go
limp, passing out into stinky blackness.
GAME OVER! A fake Celestia sits on the throne, relaxing back into the comfortable seat
which now features an extra cushion. You've been transformed into a soft white pillow with
golden trim and tassles, trapped as a cushion and buried in her plush white backside. Her
relaxing smirk twists into a devious grin as her eyes shift, showing the green irises of Queen
Chrysalis as she laughs to herself. The fake Celestia grinds her immense ass back and forth,
the jiggling plot squashing you into the throne beneath her backside, before it unleashes a
long, thick PPPFFFRRBBRRROORRRTT! You choke and whimper, your purple eyes
shifting in opposite directions as they water from the fumigation from the disguised buggy
butt planted atop you.
Nobody knows that the Queen who sits on the throne is a fake, that slowly Changelings
replace all the nobility, military officials and infilitrating all of Equestria. By the time anyone
Tnows that the true queen is little more than a plush pillow buried in a buggy butt, Equestria
is too far gone to ever come back, all ponies doomed to become little more than feed, pillows
and toys for the Changelings that now rule the nation. And it all started with you making a
bad call
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