As the door to the throne room seals shut, the fake Celestia flashs green, a glow of energy
passing over her and revealing the black chitinous form of none other than Queen Chrysalis.
She lounges in your throne, a smirk on her face as she looks down on you. You tremble on
‘your knees, the horn ring locking off your magic. "Well, well, this is a sight I could get usedto... but then again, I have one even better~"
"P-please, Chrysalis, we can work something out! You don't need to-HRRMMPHH!" Your
words turn muffled as your mouth suddenly changes to fabric. Chrysalis grins at you, her
horn glowing with magic that spreads out around you! You feel it passing around your face,your head flattening as your body squeezes down. Everything about you feels flatter and.
twists around. Your neck vanishes, your legs spread outwards and start to loop. Everything
feels weird and then flump a pair of panties drop down onto the floor... you. Your eyes are onthe outside of the cloth, yet your nose and mouth are printed on the interior seat of the
underwear, right where a big black buggy butt will sit.“Ahh, there we go. A sight I love, and one you'll learn to I'm sure. See, we can work things out,
Iget to be you, and you get to clad my fat bug butt!” Chrysalis declares with a smirk. She rises
off the throne to step forwards, her legs slamming into the loops in your form. Then, with a
pinch of green magic, you feel yourself starting to be hauled upwards, pulled up her legs and
dragged around her wide hips. You stretch and stretch, struggling to wrap around her jigglinghips, the big black bug butt shaking and quaking.
Tighter and tighter you pull until SNAP you're let go and slammed right into her backside
with an audible SQUISH as you're buried between her fat, sweaty ass cheeks. You hike deep
into her crack, your nostrils smelling her musky ass, your lips able to taste her rear whenFFFRRRLLLRRPPPRRRBBBRRRRRRTTTTT a sudden massive fart blows you out of
the pinch of her cheeks and makes you balloon outwards from the force of her fart. You puffout of her crack, bloating with her farts for a second before your stretched form relaxes and
stinking fumes waft off of you. "Ahhh, such a perfect fit. Welcome to your new home, Celestia,
do enjoy your rather permanent stay~" Chrysalis declares with a cackling laugh.‘You tremble, but hope that someone might see the white fabric panties with purple eyes and
realise what happened! Which is when her ass begins to shift, you feel the magical energy
passing over those cheeks. It slides across her ass, turning that big black bug butt into your
white soft cheeks once more... and then the green energy passes over you! You can still see,
but in a nearby window you see your white form turn into a featureless pair of purple panties!
‘You internally scream in horror as your last hope is snuffed out. "Ah, there we are, Princess.
Now I'm Celestia and you... you're nothing but a pair of panties that I'l never remove~"GAME OVER! Chuysalis's gambit paid off. Your lack of authority, friendship with your
guards or just braincells with a half baked plan led to a humiliating end! Chrysalis will sit in
your throne for the next milennia, with you cladding her fat, sweaty ass the entire time. Just
for you she'll make sure that her backside is extra awful for you to suffer under, all while you
watch Equestria fall to the Changelings and the ponies you once protected become little more
then cattle.
image from https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/19KXoF4o8BU9JZHKxNqyc7_xiGMeWRV6H
Game https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/g4hmzzzbbku4zls4xkhxoa/reign-equestria