Originally posted on: December 12, 2017 at 7:34 PM UTC
My 2017 Art summary //
oh man
2017 is almost over ? holly shit that was faster than sanic
but well, i can proud-ly say that i learned a lot trough this year, like shading light source, anathomy of couse and how to incorporate the character in the background
i was going to add some of my ''famous'' drawings like Fluffly ball or Luna wallpaper but i wanted to add pictures that show improvement the most
simple timeline guide
January:from the very start of the year i already had an idea of two different light sources, but only a BASIC idea
February: Testing out different forms of shading and anatomy, pratice with hair
March:Testing out a new shading method (shade and light everything (including lineart) with the same color, avoiding uncolored-lineart issues)
April:Still using the color-all shading method, but learning more about two light sources
May:Practicing a bit with anathomy and non-briliant light sources
June:Massive color theory test, putting everything i learn about color theory in a single picture
July: Massive anatomy test, drawing made after a lot of anatomy study and using a lot of refference pictures
August:Massive light and style test, putting everything i learned about light sources and style (anatomy + pratice) in a single picture
September:Massive realism test, making a semi-realistic drawing with everything i learned
October:Inkober month, I didnt draw much but, while doing inktober i learned a lot about mixed anatomy and different aspects of viewpoints
November: Didnt draw much because important school tests, but i made a lot of research about color theory and gray scaled artworks
December:Last one for now, using technically everything i learned trough the year in a simple but adorable christmas artwork~
Last year's can be found here:
2016 Summary of Art by PrettyShineGP
thank you all so much for this amazing year <33