Name: Ruby something?? Taking suggestions
Nicknames: Crow
Parents: Discord, Celestia Sunburst and Trixie
Gender: Male
Species: Draconequus
Sexuality: ~~~
Siblings: Divine Deity and Monarch Butterfly
Special talent: idk man😠suggestions again??
Personality/random facts:
-Has no idea how to show his actual feelings so hides behind snark and aloofness
-Insults=I like you but have no idea how to express it
-Collects all kinds of shiny stuff
-Has a reputation amongst people, especially canterlot high society, for having an unsavory personality
-Left in the shadow of his siblings, adored by all of canterlot, the perfect royals
-Craves attention so bad
-As a kid got into fights and was incredibly reckless to try to get any attention he could, even if it was negative. Gained most of his scars this way
-Classic middle child syndrome