I'm releasing this unmarked and at full-size, for use in other peoples' projects. Please credit me if you use it, and I'd love to see comments with links to its use! Download for full-size.
So, for my uni project I'm recreating the stained glass hallway in Canterlot Castle (from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Return of Harmony pt1). I found vectors of Discord's Defeat, The New Elements, and Nightmare Moon's Defeat, but nowhere on the internet could I find this window. Unfortunately it was one of the two Discord windows I -needed- in the scene, so I had no choice but to do it myself. It took two half-days and one full day to complete.
It was also a little tricky to copy, as there isn't a clear image of the whole thing (maybe why it hadn't been done before). I had to stitch a panned shot together, then got reference for the bottom from an overhead shot of the hall. As the windows constantly change shape in the cartoon and the panned shot was of a non-standard window, I elaborated on the cropped edges so it would fit other window shapes. I must point out that this was drawn as a raster at a large scale, it is not a vector image.
My Little Pony, Discord and this window's design are all owned by Hasbro
You may not use this image commercially, and it may only appear in non-profit, fan-based derivatives of the show. Credit must be given to the creator of the file (me) and to Hasbro for the unapproved use of their intellectual property. Fair use terms and Creative Commons BY-NC-SA apply.
Originally uploaded: 2014