MLP: Human World - He'll Come Around
First off, if you support Sparity, please do not bash this drawing or for that matter my pairing choice of Spike and Sweetie Belle for my series.
I mostly wanted a sisterly-bonding moment for Sweetie Belle and Rarity. For me, I feel like if Spike decided to confess his feelings for Rarity, she's let him down easy and hint that there's someone else who loves him and that he should give them a chance. Well, Spike eventually finds out that it's Sweetie Belle. They start out as friends but they slowly turn into something more. :aww:
Anyway, in this drawing, Sweetie Belle is upset that Spike won't notice her because he's so in love with Rarity. And Rarity in return is telling her not to worry and that Spike will come around.
"I don't understand..." Sweetie Belle said softly. "He's so in love with you... he'll never know that I like him."
Smiling compassionately, Rarity put a caring hand on her little sister's shoulder. "You don't know that... I'm sure he'll come around eventually."
"How...How do you know?" Sweetie Belle questioned, tears forming in her green eyes.
"Just trust me, Sweetie Belle. You'll see." Rarity smiled, bringing Sweetie Belle into a hug.
"Thanks, Rarity." Sweetie Belle sniffled, hugging her in return.
And I changed Sweetie Belle's hair design slightly, just so you know. It's not very noticable in this drawing but in the future I'd like to do more stuff for The Special Talent Seekers (The Cutie Mark Crusaders) so hopefully it'll be more apparent then.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is (C) Hasbro Studios
MLP: Human World concept is (C) me