i’ve made a few more parts now but im uploading them slowly
(brief) Story (p2):
Sombra sent his daughter Sardonyx to take down the princesses, starting with the heirs. she traveled far where she came across 3 Mares, a red headed earth pony, a half draconequus and a alicorn born of dark magic, her sister.
Obsidian: “Thank you girls for coming all this way with me”
Sweet Melody: “what? we wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Pandora: “Everything’s so shiny!”
Sweet Melody: “it is the CRYSTAL empire, panny.” Melody laughs and the girls walk through the city, making their way to the castle where obsidian will meet with her cousin.
Sweet Melody: “so, what are ya’ doing with Flurry?”
Obsidian: “we thought it would be nice to catch up! i haven’t seen her since the summer sun celebration after all”
Sweet Melody: “that’s lovely sid, you two will have a great time i bet!” she smiles, watching pandora look around in awe of the kingdom.
they walk around for a little more until a black and red mare catches Obsidians eye, she doesn’t think anything of the unicorn and moves on, but the red headed mare continues to stare, observing the royals every move.
Discord x Fluttershy = Pandora
Applejack x Countess Coloratura = Sweet Melody
Twilight Sparkle x Sombra (divorced) = Obsidian Sparkle
Sombra x ??? = Sardonyx
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