Duskdweller said:
Seems this river thing is under control by not only the local authorities, but also Canterlot, so thank Tinker for her time and return to the festivities. Poll Moonflower and Apple Basket whether they'd rather go to the obstacle course, follow Sassy and Sea Swirl to the orchard for an early dinner or have their own ideas; if no clear answer's forthcoming, take out a bit for flipping.
Apple Basket (Applebuck): 11 + 10
Having now confirmed that the river does not present any immediate concerns, you decide to thank Tinker Zap for her time, and make sure that she doesn't need anything before you leave.
Tinker Zap: "I'm all good here. Thanks for asking! I just need to finish up my report, then I'll have the rest of the evening off to enjoy the festival. Maybe I'll even try my hoof at making some sweets!"
You nod, and bid the mare have fun and farewell. As you exit the watermill, you and your friends discuss where to go next.
Moonflower: "We could go tell Sea Swirl what we learned!"
Apple Basket: "It ain't much, but she might wanna hear about it. She said she was gonna be at the orchard, right?"
Moonflower: "Yuh uh! Maybe we can get a snack while we're there."
With that decided, you hit the road once more, and make your way westward. You follow a few signs around the farrier's house leading you to the entrance of the orchard, and a familiar mare standing next to it.
Autumn Gold: "Welcome! I'm Autumn Gold, and this is my orchard. Usually, I'd offer to teach you how to properly pick an apple, but it looks like you've got an expert with you already."
Apple Basket: "Heh, you got me there."
Autumn Gold: "I thought so. Well, go on in, and enjoy yourselves. And if you need a bag to bring a few apples home, you can get one here."
Your party thanks Autumn Gold and, by her leave, walks into the grove. As the afternoon sky disappears behind the thick apple-strewn foliage, so too does the town's festive ambience, soon to be replaced with a serene quietude and the echo of birdsongs.
Golden sunbeams flicker through rustling verdant leaves as you pass by a few ponies here and there, some biting into juicy apples — fresh off the branches —, and others strolling through the appetizingly fragrant woodlands.
Before long, you catch sight of Sea Swirl and Sassaflash, the latter atop a short ladder, picking a ripe snack for the both of them.
Sea Swirl: "Oh, hey guys! Found anything yet?"
You greet the two mares again, then relay what you've learned so far.
Sea Swirl: "... So it probably has something to do with the Everfree Forest? Spooky!"
Sassaflash: "That's what I said earlier, isn't it? Anyway... Should I pick a few more apples for you three?"
Moonflower: "Ooh! I wanna see Basket do it!"
Apple Basket: "Uh, alright. Three apples, comin' up."
Apple Basket takes a few seconds to scan the branches for fruit. Then, once in position, he gives the trunk a small yet firm kick. A moment later, exactly three apples fall from above, and right into his readied hooves.
Moonflower: "Whoa‼ Cool!"
Sassaflash: "Wow. He makes it look easy."
Apple Basket: "Heh heh..."
After praising the colt for a good show, you and Moonflower each take an apple, and begin to eat over some idle chatter. You feel satiated.
To the east is: Scarf Knitting, Carpenter's Workshop, Souvenir Shops, Games & Prizes, and Horseshoes Competition.
To the south is: Farrier's Workshop, Confectioner's Workshop, Grape-Stomping Contest, Music Performances, Glassblower's Workshop, Weaver's Workshop, and Obstacle Race.
To the west is: Open Buffet, and Animal Farm.
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