"Alright, ready," she said. "It only took a few seconds when it happened to me, I'm sure yours will go quick too—" Granted, the magic had knocked her unconscious when it hit her...
Then she started reading. They weren't words exactly, not in any language she spoke. But taken together, the sounds formed an important foundation for the magic she was casting. Her horn started to glow, just as when she was moving things around. It only took a few seconds for the light to grow, from a violet to brighter than the camera a few seconds later.
All she had to do now was focus on black hair. Just like the black box of dye in front of her. The pattern of the spell was incredibly complex. She had to hold it in her mind while she read, and do more than just speak.
"Did anything change?" Gus asked. He reached up, running one hand through his hair. "I feel... something, I dunno what. It's not exactly on my head."
She wanted to scream at him to shut up, let her concentrate. But if she stopped reading, she would just be inviting something much worse.